
June 7, 2022

by Florianus II, Crown out of Ishkyra by Sir Sinclair, Keur

This is the second foal that Ishkyra has given us and if he is living up to his breeding.

His mother, Ishkyra, is not only an elegant mare with a beautiful neck and lovely gaits,

she is sweet and trainable as well. In combination with Florianus’ renowned trainability and lovely gaits, Shango, should be a

peach to train and ride. Shango is already a big ham and loves to show off his bucking and kicking while in the pasture.

He will walk right up to see what you are doing and is hard to photograph because his nose is always in the camera. True to his breeding,

teaching him to lead and be groomed has been a piece of cake since Shango easily goes along with whatever you ask him to do.

If you are interested in a world class dressage horse that acts like a Labrador retriever, Shango may just be the horse for you.


Please call any time to set up a time to come visit Baby S.

Shango with his donkey buddy, Root beer, running around on the outside.

Video taken at 6 weeks - July 26, 2022

